
Flowers and Heart

Chanting has been employed in nearly every culture and many religions for centuries as a means of increasing consciousness. Because of its repetitive nature, chanting also can be beneficial in bringing focus during times when the mind is agitated or when troubling thoughts consume us. It can redirect our energy from distraction and preoccupation and bring us to a state of tranquility. In addition, the sound of our own voice can be surprisingly reassuring and comforting.
When we say “chant,” we are referring to rhythmic sound in the form of syllables or words. Chanting can be done in any language and may be aligned with any spiritual practice that is important to you. This method of using the voice to focus the mind allows us to be present in the moment. In itself, chanting can invoke a sense of reverence and allow the expression of positive feelings such as praise, gratitude, and wonder.


  • Expands and lengthens the breath
  • Improves concentration
  • Calms the mind
  • Serves as a tool for spiritual practice/links
  • the mind to a higher consciousness
  • Balances emotion