Yoga Poses

[ls_tabgroup][ls_tab title=”Breathing”]breathingposeSit toward the front of the chair with a straight spine. Your back should be a space away from the back of the chair. Place your feet flat on the floor, comfortably apart. If your feet don’t touch the floor, place a folded blanket under them. In all the postures, begin the breath slightly before you start the movement. Take two breaths as you transition from one posture to another.

Abdominal Breath: Note: All breathing is through the nose. Place hands on your abdomen one above the other and inhale the breath deep into your abdomen. On the exhalation, move your navel toward your spine. Repeat six times. When you become more comfortable with all the postures, you may want to practice abdominal breathing throughout this series, remembering to inhale and exhale through your nose.




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Shoulder Chest Opener: Start with both hands at your chest. Inhale while slightly lifting your chest as you open your arms out to the side, elbows slightly bent. Exhale while bringing your hands back to your chest. Repeat four to six times.

chest opener                                chair posture with arms raised

[/ls_tab][ls_tab title=”Floor Postures”]Spinal Movements: Come to your hands and knees, shoulders in line with wrists. Use padding for your knees, if necessary. Exhale as you move your hips back towards—but not onto—your heels. As you inhale lead with your chest, moving forward and coming into a slight back arch. Repeat six times.

floorposture1a floorposture floorposture2

[/ls_tab][ls_tab title=”Standing Postures”]

Balancing Posture: Stand with your hands on the back of a chair. Inhale as you lift your right leg behind you and your right arm overhead having a slightly bent elbow. Exhale to starting position. Alternate sides, and repeat four more times. The last time, hold the posture for three breaths on each side. If you feel steady, you do not need to use the chair.

standing postures        IMG_4363          


[/ls_tab][ls_tab title=”Relaxation Postures”]


Legs on Chair: Place your legs on a chair, making sure the backs of your knees are comfortably supported on the chair. Some of you with longer legs may need to put your feet through the back of the chair or turn the chair sideways.


Relax your arms by your sides. Inhale as you sweep your arms along the floor overhead with elbows softly bent.



